About Us

Welcome to Black Trident Publishing, where the valor of the battlefield meets the vivid imagination of the writer. We are more than just a publishing house; we are a mission-driven community dedicated to bringing the authentic and thrilling experiences of military life to the pages of fiction.

Founded on the principles of courage, integrity, and unparalleled realism, Black Trident Publishing emerged as a beacon for those who have served and wish to share their stories. Our journey began with a single vision: to create a platform where the voices of veterans could be heard, transforming their lived experiences into gripping narratives that captivate and inspire.

Our Mission

At Black Trident Publishing, our mission is twofold:

  • To Empower Veterans: We believe in the power of storytelling as a means of healing, reflection, and sharing the unparalleled insights that only veterans can provide. By focusing exclusively on military and war fiction, we offer a specialized platform where veterans-turned-authors can thrive.

  • To Enrich Readers: Our commitment extends beyond the authors to the readers, offering them a collection of stories rich in authenticity, bravery, and the complex realities of military life. We aim to bridge the gap between civilian and military experiences, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation through compelling fiction.

Why Choose Us?

  • Authenticity at the Core: Our focus on military fiction written by veterans ensures that every story is rooted in real-life experiences, offering an unmatched level of authenticity.

  • Supportive Community: We provide our authors with a supportive community and the resources they need to tell their stories, including editorial support, marketing, and a network of fellow military fiction enthusiasts.

  • A Platform for Voices Unheard: Black Trident Publishing is not just a publisher; we are a platform for voices that need to be heard, stories that deserve recognition, and experiences that can teach and inspire.

Join Our Mission

Currently home to an exceptional author, we are eagerly expanding our roster and looking for more veterans with a story to tell. Whether you're a seasoned writer or have never written before, if you have a military background and a tale to share, we want to hear from you.

Connect With Us

We invite you to join our mission, whether as an aspiring author or a reader in search of stories that resonate with truth and bravery. Together, let's turn the page to a new chapter where the spirit of the military community is celebrated through the power of fiction.

For Authors: Interested in publishing with us? We will have a submission page coming soon.

For Readers: As we continue to expand our catalog, immerse yourself in the world of military fiction that only true heroes can tell.

Follow Us: Stay connected and follow our journey as we bring new voices to the forefront of military fiction.

Black Trident Publishing - Where valor meets verse, and heroes tell their tales.